
Matrix Writer 2.0

It has been a long time for version 2.0 of Matrix Writer, I planned it more than a year ago and expected release version 2.0 in 2018. But unexpected thing happened,  the biggest one is I had an accident when I skiing,  I got my right knee broken, this accident delay the development of Matrix Writer a lot, it took me quite a few month to walk again, even today running is still a chanllege to me.  On the other hand, cost for a free software developer is another chanllege, web site hosted on AWS server, apple developer account, upgrade my developer machine etc. And not many people like to sit down and write a post to his blog, people more like to share contents with twitter, facebook etc., this fast way become more popular. So less people will support Matrix Writer, I hesitate a lot, should I move on with Matrix Writer? Till today, it's still a big question to me.  Here are the major improvements of Matrix Writer version 2.0 Architecture refactor Writer was started quickly to prove my

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Effective date: October 01, 2019 Matrix Writer ("us", "we", or "our") operates the Matrix Writer mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data. The Privacy Policy for Matrix Writer has been created with the help of TermsFeed . We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, the terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions. Definitions Service Service is the Matrix Writer mobile application operated by Matrix Writer Personal Data Personal Data means data about a living individual who can be identified from those data (or from those and other in

Insert images from Google Drive

Google Drive is a free and very popular cloud drive, once you have a google account, you will have 15G google drive, it is stable and reliable, google drive is one of my personal favorite cloud drives. With the 15G space we can store a lot of photos, videos and other files. Google drive also allow you share your resources to certain people or to the public. I like to use google drive store my photos, when I write a post I want to insert the photo I already have in my google drive, the good thing of this way is the photo insert to the post is just link, so it is pretty fast to publish your post to th e blog service, manage photos on google drive is easier than most blog services, normally this is true. The only drawback is once you use the photo in google drive, you should never remove the photo from google drive, otherwise your post will not show as you expect. To use photos from your google drive, you need share the Folder which contains photos to public, you need do it on your googl

白鹿原 - 黑娃

   黑娃是一个典型的从底层成长的农民,父亲是长工,一个在白鹿原上出了名的长工,财东家也很有名,是有了名的仁义。儿时的黑娃有其幸运的一面,那就是有了读书的机会,在清末的乡村并不是每个娃都有机会读书的,得利于嘉轩赚了钱修了祠堂,修了私塾,另外也是因为黑娃与孝文是同龄人。    黑娃是个挺孝顺的孩子,十八岁就出门打工,让父亲继续在白家当长工,这样父亲就不用太辛苦了。黑娃还想着攒下些钱,买些地,这样父子就都不用给别人打工了,从这个简单的憧憬来看,一个普通的农民也是有其上升空间的,也就是说通过自己的努力、付出,农民也可以成为土地的主人。如果没有后来发生的一切,黑娃会是一个很好的农民,会有自己的地,自己的家和自己娃。 打工的黑娃    我一直觉得在中国这几千年来农民生活得很不容易,即使到了清末也是以人为主,唯一的机械化就是牛,其余所有的工作都是人来做,牛和马只是在某种程度上减轻了人的劳动强度。黑娃从小就跟着父亲做农活,对这片土地和土地上的庄稼有着一种天然的亲和力,但黑娃不善长读书,书对这时的黑娃来讲是一种痛苦。    黑娃很勤快,而且很有主动性,这点和孝文是不一样的,孝文是被父亲要求下地干活的,出门打工的黑娃也深知自己的位置和应该做什么,看看黑娃在郭举人家的干的活的评语就知道了。黑娃的勤快也埋下了黑娃注定和小娥会发生些事情的。    黑娃年龄最小,又极伶俐,脚快手快,常被长工头儿指使着去做许多家务杂活儿,扫庭院,掏茅厕,绞水担水,晒土收土,拉牛饮马。时日稍长,郭举人的两个女人也都很喜欢这个诚实勤快的小伙计,很放心地指使他到附近的将军镇上去买菜割肉或者抓药。    印象很深的是黑娃第二个打工的财东黄老五,黄老五是个典型的奋斗型的农民,不只是节俭,可以说是抠,非常的抠,大日头天干活,下雨天也干活,吃着杂粮还舔着碗,硬是活生生的给黑娃恶心跑了,可以说是地主中的另类了。黄老五并不是象某些小说中描写的地主搞些半夜鸡叫的小把戏,他是靠着节俭与勤劳积攒下财富的,这应该是主流的地主成长方式。 和小娥一起的黑娃    黑娃是一个胆大的人,并且有些不计后果,也许是头脑过于简单,否则他不会想不到跟郭举人的女人偷情的后果是什么。象郭举人这样的财东,有钱,有势,子女们做官与经商的都有,他有无数种办法来报复黑娃这个最底层的农民。但黑娃还是在雄性激素的刺激之下,不计任何后果的跟小娥上了床,有时候男人确实不

Matrix Writer V1.1 released

I am happy to announce that Matrix Writer V1.1 is released.  In version 1.1, the architecture is changed to improve the boot up performance and stable.  Below are the new features added to version 1.1 Support insert images from Microsoft OneDrive Support insert images from Google Drive Support dark theme Registered user will have one month premium subscription to experience all advanced features  Add wiki widget to welcome page to help user know more features of Matrix Wirter MacOS: download Windows: download Happy Blogging!

Share post to socail media

Social medias are hot and very hot! Social medias, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc have became a part of many people's life. One hand it became easy to share something with family, friends event the whole world, on the hand people become like write short article instead of an article to describe something more clear.  Matrix Writer can help blog writer to share their posts to social medias after the posts published to your blog service, so far Twitter and Facebook are supported, please let me know what are the social medias you like Matrix  Writer to support.  Here are the steps of how to share your posts to Twitter and Facebook. Activate your social media account  Go to Accounts Setting view by click Options from Welcome view Click Accounts from left, then scroll down to Social Accounts setting Click Sign in button of the Solcial Media and follow the steps to authorize Matrix Writer publish messages to your sociale media account After the authroization, the social media account wil

paragraph test

  屈原(前340年-前278年),戰國時期楚國人,羋姓,屈氏,名平,字原。屈原曾是楚国的高官,但为官并不得意,却有着很好的的文学功底,创作了《离骚》、《天问》、《九歌》、《九章》等著作。公元前278年,秦國太尉白起揮兵南下,攻破了郢都,屈原在绝望和悲巨愤之下怀大石投汨罗江而死。传說当地百姓投下粽子喂魚以此防止屈原遗体被鱼所食,後來逐漸形成一種儀式。以後每年的農历五月初五端午節,人們吃粽子,划龍舟以紀念這位偉大的詩人。   屈原用这样的方式来结束自己并没有改变楚国的命运,但却改变了两千多年后的人们的一种生活方式,端午节放假,包粽子,现代人用一种欢快的方式来纪念两千年前一个诗人的离去,在中国文化中多少感觉有些不同寻常的味道,当然很多人其实已经不太关心也不在乎端午节是怎么来的了,即使了解一些,过节嘛,总是要欢乐才行。清明都过的很欢乐,完全没有欲断魂的感觉,更何况端午呢。 我是个北方人,很北很北的北方人,我们那儿在端午节的时候没有龙舟可以划,甚至没有独木舟可以划,家附近只有一个不大的水库,划舟是不可能了。但我们也过端午节,过节的方式都是从上一辈传下来的。小的时候过端午并不放假,那时候还没有周末双休。 好处就是过端午的时候可以去学校显摆。那时候有这样几件事儿可做。   绑五彩线。一般是端午的前几天或者前一天,母亲拿出一个线筐来,里面有各种颜色的线和各种粗细的针,然后找出白、绿、黑、红、黄五种颜色,搓在一起,量量手腕的长度,一剪,然后系在手腕上。不只是女生绑五彩线,男生也绑,后来大了些,男生绑的就越来越少了。   采艾蒿。虽然我很那个地方很北很北,但是农历五月时,艾蒿也长起来了,印象中这个季节山里雾很大,时常的有雨。小学时,经常是几个同学约好第二天一起去采艾蒿,可真正起来的时候并不多,因为天亮的太早,很多同学三点多就起来了,采了艾蒿,白天几乎就没法上课了。 艾蒿采回来后,插在房檐下,家家如此。   碰鸡蛋。端午节也碰鸡蛋,每个同学都带个鸡蛋去学校,互相的碰,看谁的硬,最后才破,每个人有两次机会,鸡蛋的这头碰一次,那头碰一次。有的同学带的不是鸡蛋,而是鸭蛋,甚至鹅蛋来碰,还用手捂着,怕别人发现,当然最后他赢了,不过被发现后也没什么好结果,别人用拳头砸碎了他的鹅蛋。 这些事情似乎都发生在我初中以前,上了初中以后就少了,不知道是不是因为上了初中而不屑于玩这些略显幼稚的小游戏了。但有